Japan’s First Butter Sushi

Sushi is largely known as a fine delicacy, offering lean and healthy nutrition. It is not a place where one might expect to find a large slab of butter. However, a certain Japanese restaurant recently made the bold move of introducing butter to their sushi. This restaurant is an Osaka business known as Jinen, and their unagi butter sushi is making quite a splash with their clientele.

The unagi butter sushi is exactly what it sounds like: a piece of familiar unagi nigiri topped with butter. This isn’t a light buttering, either; a thick butter patty is held in place over the grilled eel meat with a narrow band of nori. As strange as it may sound, diners have been taking to it in a big way. Glowing reviews have been popping up online, describing the sushi’s melt-in-your-mouth taste. As popular as it seems to be, you may very soon see further buttery sushi innovations popping up in Japanese restaurants throughout the world.

We at Flo Restaurant may not butter our sushi, but we do offer a classic unagi dish that is highly recommended for people trying their first sushi meal. Experience the great taste of freshwater eel today at our Bellevue Japanese restaurant today!