Is Tofu Bad for Women?

If you’re a woman, you might have been told at some point that you should avoid eating tofu. This advice has applied mainly to women who are either struggling against breast cancer, or have a high risk of developing breast cancer. The reasons behind this relate to the isoflavones found in tofu; since these isoflavones were observed to have a certain estrogen-like effect, it was theorized that it might encourage the development of harmful breast cancer growths.

Fortunately, more recent research has shown that women need not give up their favorite soy products. According to a study coming to us from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study, a diet rich in tofu and other soy-based foods can significantly decrease your risk of dying from breast cancer, or experience a relapse after recovering from breast cancer.

The important thing to remember when dining upon soy is to look for whole soy foods, as opposed to isolated soy foods. Examples of whole soy includes soymilk and tofu. At our Japanese restaurant in Bellevue, you can make tofu a bigger part of your diet with our agedashi tofu, our miso soups, and more.