How Rice Vinegar is Made

Plain White Rice vs. Sushi Rice

The rice that we use in the sushi at our Bellevue Japanese restaurant is not just normal steamed rice. If you’re familiar with sushi, you may have noticed that sushi rice has a subtle taste and texture to it that goes beyond plain white rice.

So, what is it that turns normal rice into sushi rice?

The answer is sushi vinegar. This is a special variety of vinegar made by mixing rice vinegar with other ingredients. The specific recipe will vary from place to place, but the rice vinegar is fairly universal; the taste of white vinegar is too strong, and would overpower the subtle tastes that you find in sushi. In general, sushi vinegar consists of the rice vinegar, salt, and a sweetening agent like sugar, sake, or occasionally nori.

Anago: the Saltwater Eel

Anago – Sea Eel

When it comes to eels in sushi, many Western diners are most familiar with the freshwater unagi. Somewhat less common among other sushi restaurants is the saltwater variety of eel, known to the Japanese as anago.

Difference Between Freshwater and Saltwater Eel

Anago is distinctive from its freshwater cousin in its texture and taste. Many people find it to be pleasingly soft and sweet, with a somewhat less oily quality. While the unagi is generally grilled before being used in sushi, anago will usually be simmered. You can find this exciting taste sensation at our Bellevue Japanese restaurant, so come on down to Flo Bellevue to try some anago today!

Knowing Your Sake

Sake at Flo Bellevue

At our Bellevue Japanese restaurant, we offer an extensive list of different kinds of sake to go with your sushi dining experience. If you’re not familiar with sake, you might be confused by the different categories you find.

What is ginjo and daiginjo sake?

Ginjo and daiginjo both represent premium varieties of sake. These are produced by polishing the rice grains further before fermenting them into the wine. Ginjo is made with rice that has had 40% of its mass polished away, while daiginjo has been polished down to 50% or less of its original size. This creates a lighter, more delicate, and more complex taste in the finished product. Consider trying one of these fine options as a complement to your next sushi meal at Flo Bellevue.

How Do I Eat Sushi?

Tips on Eating Sushi

Do you have trouble eating sushi?  Are you trying it for the first time, and don’t know where to start?  Take a lesson from Flo Japanese Restaurant in Bellevue!  Partaking of this delicious and culturally rich dish should be as easy as it is satisfying, if you only observe the following tips:

  • It’s common in Japan to eat sushi with your hands.  Some of the fusion-style rolls can be covered with sauces and sticky roe, so you may want to learn how to use chopsticks, but otherwise you should have no hang-ups about treating sushi as a finger food.
  • Always eat an entire piece of sushi in one bite, if you can.  Not only is this the best way to enjoy the full combination of flavors, but it’s also the best way to assure that your roll doesn’t fall apart.
  • Go easy on the soy sauce.  A tiny dip should be enough to enhance the taste without overpowering it.  Using too much soy sauce can be seen as an insult to the sushi chef, and it can also dissolve the sushi rice.
  • If you’re eating nigiri-sushi, dip it into the soy sauce so that you coat the fish instead of the rice.  Eat nigiri-sushi with the fish facing you tongue.
  • Your sushi will often come with tiny slices of ginger.  This is there to taste between bites of sushi, so as to cleanse the palate.

Fish vs. Flax: Who Has the Better Omega-3?

In today’s health-conscious world, people are looking more to fish and flax to give them the omega-3 that they need. Fish are, of course, the favored source here at Flo Japanese Restaurant in Bellevue. Perhaps our brand of cuisine might make us biased towards the bounty of the ocean, but there are also legitimate scientific reasons that you should be getting your fatty acids from seafood.

The biggest difference between the omega-3 supplied by seafood and that provided by plants like flax is that seafood features EPA and DHA fatty acids, while flax contains what is known as ALA. EPA and DHA are the crucial types of omega-3, and ALA is only valuable for its potential to be converted by your body into EPA and DHA. The omega-3 found in flax is therefore less readily available, and requires your body to do more work before it can partake of its benefits.

Additionally, there has been some inconclusive evidence that flax can contribute to prostate cancer. Though further research is required on this topic, men in particular may wish to favor seafood as a source of omega-3 until more is known about this possible link. Until such a time, you are always welcome to get your fatty acid fix at Flo.