Japan’s Star Festival

According to Chinese legends, the seventh day of the seventh month is the day when the stars Altair and Vega are able to surpass the boundaries of the Milky Way and meet. Japan marks this occasion with Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival.

During Tanabata, the people of Japan like to write their wishes on a slip of paper. This paper is then tied to the branches of a bamboo tree, which are erected specially for the occasion. Tradition states that wishes hung in this manner are more likely to come true.

Depending on where you go in Japan, this festival might be held on either July 7th or August 7th, according to whether or not the region adheres to the Lunar calendar. Whenever it is celebrated, it is an occasion for colorful festivities and fun. Come and mark the occasion for yourself at Flo’s Bellevue Japanese restaurant!