The Rules of Sushi

Rules of Dining Sushi

Where sushi is concerned, a few rules are observed in the art of consuming this delicacy. When you go dine out in traditional Japanese restaurants,

For example, it is becoming a common practice of Japanese outside Japan to mix their wasabi in soy sauce as the dipping sauce for sushi. It is now quite acceptable, but technically, it is improper. The proper way is to put a small amount of wasabi on a sushi with your chopsticks before it is eaten. And how about the soy sauce? Only the fish or seafood part of the sushi should touch the soy sauce and not the rice part which is already flavored.

Besides, the rice dipped in sauce may crumble and fall apart. Also, you must eat sushi by hand and in one bite and not use chopsticks. If the restaurant provides hand towels at the table, you are expected to use your hands with the sushi. These days, though, the chopsticks have replaced fingers.

Did you know that when eating sushi, a certain sequence is observed. You must start with the most delicate or lightest-flavored fish going forward to the strongest, fattiest fish. It’s a build-up, an ascending crescendo of flavors to be topped by something sweet, as an egg sushi. To refresh, in between sushi bites, ginger is eaten to shift flavors. The Japanese believe ginger helps digestion as well.

Further to that, and to not take away from dining on really delicious, authentic sushi, refrain from sticking your chopsticks upright into your rice. That is a no-no, as well as using your sticks to cut your sushi in half like a knife. Just simple rules to live by.

Romancing the Sushi in Bellevue

Whether you observe these little rules or not, we guarantee you will enjoy Flo’s delicious and beautifully crafted sushi by our esteemed chefs. When in Bellevue, drop in at our Japanese restaurant for a memorable culinary experience.