How to Eat Sushi

Sushi 101

Sushi is an art form and each piece is crafted with care, so it’s important to eat it properly to fully appreciate its flavors. The first thing to note is that sushi is typically eaten in one bite, so it’s important to take a sizeable but not overwhelming bite. If you’re not sure how much to take, you can watch how others eat it and follow their lead. It’s also important to note that the rice is an important part of sushi, so try not to remove it from the fish.

When it comes to condiments, soy sauce is the most commonly used one. Dip a corner of your sushi into the soy sauce and avoid dipping the entire piece to prevent overwhelming the taste. Also, if the sushi already has sauce on it, skip the soy sauce altogether. Wasabi is another condiment, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not meant to be mixed with the soy sauce. Instead, dab a small amount of wasabi onto your sushi before dipping it into the soy sauce. Finally, ginger is meant to be eaten between different types of sushi as a palate cleanser, not on top of the sushi.

If you’re new to sushi, don’t be afraid to ask your server for advice or recommendations. They will be happy to help you navigate the menu and ensure that you have an enjoyable dining experience. Also, don’t worry if you make a mistake or break a rule – at the end of the day, eating sushi is all about enjoying the flavors and experience. So go ahead, try something new, and see what works for you.

What is Uni?

Uni: Sea Urchin

Uni is not just a delicacy in Japan, but has gained popularity all over the world. It is considered a luxury ingredient, making it a pricey option in sushi restaurants. However, for those who love the unique flavor, it is worth the expense. The texture and flavor of uni can vary depending on the species of sea urchin it comes from and where it was harvested. Some people describe the flavor as buttery, while others describe it as briny or even nutty. Uni is definitely an acquired taste, and those who try it for the first time may be surprised by its distinct taste.

Uni is not only enjoyed as sushi, but can also be used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes, including pasta, risotto, and even scrambled eggs. Some people also enjoy uni in its raw form, mixed with soy sauce and wasabi. However, it is important to note that because uni is a raw seafood product, it should be consumed from a reputable source and handled with care to avoid foodborne illness.

Health Benefits of Uni

Uni is also known for its health benefits. It is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B12 and E. It is also low in calories and carbohydrates, making it a great option for those who are watching their weight. However, because of its high price and the fact that it is often considered a luxury item, uni should be consumed in moderation.

Uni is a unique ingredient that has gained popularity in recent years. Its creamy texture and distinct flavor make it a delicacy that is enjoyed by many sushi enthusiasts. While it may be an acquired taste, uni has numerous health benefits and is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. Whether you’re a sushi lover or just looking to try something new, uni is definitely worth a try!

Health Benefits of Sushi

The Japanese diet is often cited as one of the healthiest diets in the world, and has been linked to longer lifespans and lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. While there are many factors that contribute to the healthfulness of the Japanese diet, the consumption of fish, including in the form of sushi, is one key component.

Nutrients in Fish

Fish is a rich source of protein and essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, but it’s the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, that are especially beneficial. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke, and may also play a role in brain health and cognitive function.

Sushi can have positive impacts on heart health due to its ingredients. Fish like salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease. Omega-3s can help lower triglycerides, decrease blood pressure, and reduce the risk of abnormal heart rhythms.

Sushi can also be a good source of lean protein, which is essential for maintaining healthy muscles and tissues. Protein also helps keep you feeling full and satisfied after meals, which can help with weight management.

Another potential benefit of sushi is that it can be a low-calorie, low-fat option compared to other types of cuisine. This can make it a good choice for people who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

However, it’s important to note that not all types of sushi are created equal. Sushi rolls that are fried or loaded with mayonnaise-based sauces can be high in calories and unhealthy fats.

How is Soy Sauce Made?

Soy sauce is a valuable part of much of the food at our Bellevue Japanese restaurant.  You dip your sushi in it, you sprinkle it on your rice, and it’s even a chief ingredient in teriyaki sauce.  But where does soy sauce come from?


  • The first part of the process is to soak and steam the soybeans, then mix these beans with roasted grains of wheat.

  • After this, the manufacturer wants to encourage koji mold to grow in the mix.  This breaks down the soy’s proteins and the wheat’s carbohydrates into a substance they call shoyu koji.  This process takes about three days.

  • This shoyu koji is then mixed with salt water to ferment and age for a few months.

  • After the fermentation process, the shoyu koji has turned into a thick mash.  This mash is pressed and strained through a cloth to remove the fluid.  This fluid is called “raw” soy sauce.

  • Finally, the raw soy sauce is cooked so as to pasteurize the mixture and bring an end to the chemical reactions, stabilizing the soy sauce.  Now it is ready to be bottled, sold, and enjoyed!