A Toss Between Coffee and Green Tea

Which Is Better For Caffeine Lovers? 

Did you know that, according to a survey, 64% of the country drinks at least one cup of coffee every day? But you see, a cup of green tea can also be one’s morning caffeine. Fresh tea leaves with steaming or gentle heating have less caffeine than black tea or coffee, but enough to perk your morning. They also have a host of other health benefits. If you’ve had enough of coffee or wish to try something for a change, green tea is a great option. 

There are many varieties of green tea, even those with added flavors like flowers or herbs. Some teas taste differently due to their method of production. All green teas have particular ingredients that can affect your health. If you’re switching over from coffee to green tea, here’s what to expect.

There’s less caffeine with green tea.

Actually, tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee beans but once they’re brewed, the amount of caffeine in coffee exceeds that in tea. Matcha has a much higher caffeine content than leaf green teas, because a single cup contains many more ground-up leaves than a cup of leaf tea. Drinking matcha in the mornings rather than coffee, you’ll be ingesting more caffeine. But you stick to the non-powdered varieties of green tea, your caffeine intake will drop, which can cause withdrawal symptoms. If you drink a lot of coffee, you may get headaches when you try to cut back. Switching from coffee to green tea may not cause all the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, because green tea still contains approximately 20-30 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Give your body time to adjust if you’re switching from very strong double espressos to one cup of green tea, for you may experience headaches, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and lack of focus. 

Green tea may help lower anxiety and improve sleep. This is particularly so if you happen to be sensitive to caffeine. The higher caffeine content of coffee may negatively impact those who are sensitive to caffeine. They may experience anxiety, insomnia, and heart effects like increased heart rate or blood pressure. It might be helpful to lower your caffeine levels by switching to green tea. The change could help decrease your anxiety response and reduce symptoms of caffeine over-stimulation – while still giving you that caffeine boost in the morning.

Green tea will help you ingest more antioxidants. Green tea has a variety of antioxidants that have been shown to have health-boosting properties, and has a higher antioxidant content than coffee. The compounds in green tea can help the immune system, fight off infection, and lower risk of diseases. Coffee has antioxidants, too, but tea typically has a higher concentration. In particular, the compound catechins have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, lower cardiovascular disease risk, help prevent degenerative diseases, and assist with kidney and liver function. Catechins have also been implicated as a possible way to lower the risk of breast and other cancers.

Green tea may reduce inflammation. As we know, inflammation is the immune system’s response to threats and stress and it’s a healthy thing. Our bodies need inflammation to stay healthy. However, persistent low-grade inflammation has been linked to heart conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, degenerative illnesses and various cancers. Green tea has been found to have serious anti-inflammatory properties – reducing inflammation levels, stimulating the body’s anti-inflammatory responses and calming the immune system down. Coffee has lower capabilities to to reduce inflammation levels than green tea. Green tea is better than coffee in battling chronic low-grade inflammation.

Green tea may be better for oral health. Coffee can heighten the risk for periodontitis, a serious gum disease, plus the drink can stain teeth. Green tea, however, seems to have benefits. Due to its antimicrobial properties, tea  might reduce the risk of certain harmful bacteria building up in the mouth over time. Tea may also help the bacterial population in your mouth in general. Tea drinkers have a more varied microbiome in their mouths than coffee drinkers, complete with higher amounts of helpful bacteria. That could help prevent infections and general oral issues. 

Caffeine from either coffee or green tea have serious benefits, even in small amounts. Caffeine is an effective stimulant to help improve physical performance and mental alertness. A little caffeine a day may prove to be helpful to your health in the long run.


Relaxing with Your Caffeine in Bellevue

Whenever you are in this part of Bellevue, come by and pair your meal with a cup of green tea.